Room 205 ~ Classroom Photos

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Friendly School Reminders

School Reminders!
Please remember to send your child into school each day ready to play! We try and go outside everyday. If your child is wearing boots to school please include an extra pair of shoes/sneakers in his/her backpack. When there is snow on the ground have your child wear snow pants into school since playground is typically our first activity.

Scholastic Books orders are due 12/6/18.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for next Friday 12/14/18...Please call the front office at (508) 541-8166 to schedule your child's conference. There is NO school on this day!

Our 2nd Annual Family PJ/Cookie Decorating Day is scheduled for Thursday December 20th from 12:15-1:15! Be sure to RSVP by 12/11/18.

No School ~ Winter Recess 12/24/18-1/1/19

Family Traditions
The winter season has many wonderful holidays that are celebrated in many different and exciting ways.  Over the next several weeks we would love to invite you into our classroom to share some of your family’s non-religious customs with us. Food is often a big part of holiday celebrations, however, due to allergies, we cannot share food in our classrooms. Families are invited to bring in story books, wear traditional clothing, bring in pictures or collages or even short videos. We are excited to learn about you and your family. If you are interested in sharing your traditions, please contact me at

Have a wonderful day!
Miss Becky

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

~Motor Room~

We always have fun on Motor Room Mondays!
This month our Motor Room was all about Our Community (Community Helpers).  We soared on the bolster swing like an airplane pilot, picked up the "trash" (i.e., weighted balls) and put it in the barrel like a trash collector and we helped each other on the court as we pretended to be a basketball coach!